
Hi: 81°F Lo: 46°F

Now: 85°F, 22mph


Hi: 43°F Lo: 35°F


Hi: 33°F Lo: 31°F

| Kuhlman Lake Service & Welding, Inc.

Business Description

At Kuhlmans we strive to provide great service at an affordable rate. We want our customer to know that we are here to be your dependable lake service provider. Offering services on Big Spirit, East Lake, Center Lake, The Gars, Minnewashta, Silver Lake and Lost Island Lake.

We have a full service welding shop and friendly staff ready to help you when needed. We can handle custom jobs big or small!

We are a vendor for ShoreStation Boat Hoists, Docks Unlimited Docks, Suzuki Boat Motors, Interstate Batteries, and have lots of other fun lake accessories on hand!

Give us a call with any questions, quotes, or comments you may have.

Open Monday-Friday 8am - 5pm
and Saturday 8am-12pm